Monday, May 26, 2014

15 Reasons Why You Just Can’t Go To The Gym Today

You want to lose weight to fit in that swanky sexy dress which is well preserved in your wardrobe since ages. But how? Hit the gym, right? Yes, I have done it too...But with each passing day the enthusiasm to carry out the ritual starts fading away. And excuses for not going gym are ever ready...
Check out this piece of hilarious article  and relate to yourself. RIP GYM!

Should your Spouse be your Business Partner?

Some people get cold feet when they think of working together with their spouse while others think it’s a blessing to share work and achieve the goal together. However, considering your spouse as your business partner has varied implications in your professional as well as personal life.
Let’s analyse the positive and negative impacts before drawing a valid conclusion... Click on the link to read my article