Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Oats and Ragi Banana Pancakes

Hello my beautiful people there...Do you love pancakes? Oh yeh, I go crazy for them. But then the refined flour from which they are made compels me to flinch away from taking a bite. One secret you must know that I hate refined white flour (Maida) and I'm always on constant lookout for healthy substitutes that won't compromise with the taste either. Yes, finicky I am when it comes to food. 

That's why I come up with my own version of recipes which have the qualities of being healthy, nutritious and all the more yummy. 

So today presenting a simple breakfast recipe that you can easily make in the crunch of time before going office- Oats and ragi banana pancakes


Oats- one cup 
Ragi flour (or cornflour)- half cup 
Banana - One large 
Milk - 1/3rd cup
Egg - 1 
Vanilla essence: 3-4 drops 
Baking soda: 1/3 rd tsp 
Baking powder: 1/2 tsp
Honey/sugar/salt - quantity as per your choice

How to make?

Blend the ingredients in a mixer for 3-4 seconds. Check the consistency of the batter. It must be thick and not runny. If runny, adjust with cornflour or ragi flour. Allow it to stay for 15 to 20 minutes. This will make the pancakes fluffy. 

Then take a nonstick pan over the oven and drizzle with olive oil. Take one scoop of the batter and spread on the oil. Allow the pancakes to cook and become fluffy.

And you are done.

Your choice whether you want to garnish with honey, maple syrup or chocolate sauce.  

Begin your day by treating you and your family with this powerful and delighting breakfast. Stay tuned for more healthy recipes coming up here. 

Much Love 

Monday, March 23, 2015

The Slumbering Himalayan Village- Naggar

Away from people, away from noise, I long to travel to a place where I can hear the sounds of Nature and stay close to Nature. Guess why? No...not to get rid of any kind of work pressure or depression or stress. I stay at Mumbai and all I get to see after stepping out of my home is – people, vehicles and buildings! And this sight is certainly not very amusing all through the year. Phew...

But above all, I have always been in love with the Himalayas. So every year, I need a break or two to see, feel and touch the mighty mountains. Sigh!

This time we (Sid and I) decided to take the road less taken to reach Manali.

Naggar, around 20 kms before Manali, is a laid back quiet village tucked beautifully in the snow-capped peaks of the Himalayas and lush green flora. I would undoubtedly say that it’s the best region of the Kullu valley. 

Enjoy the pictures.


Village Naggar 

 The road that takes you to the village 

Snow capped Himalayas 

We went inside Naggar Castle (an architectural masterpiece built by the Sikh kings of Kullu valley) to gaze at the spectacular view of Naggar village from the roof top restaurant (pic below) of the Castle. It was late afternoon, cold, and what could be better than being served with garam garam chai and coffee by the locals.

Folks, travel the planet Earth before you die. There’s lot to see, worth an experience! Isn't it? 

Much love

Friday, January 23, 2015

Recipe: Lip Smacking Chicken Dum Biryani

Food is special, food makes us happy and above all, food makes you grow fonder of the person who has so lovingly cooked for you. And guess what’s that mouth watering dish I am gonna talk about here today??? Yes, it's nothing other than BIRYANI. Excited, eh?

I doubt there’s anyone who doesn’t love this gourmet cuisine and indeed my hubby is no exception. His immense fondness for Biryani is probably the only reason that gives me a kick to prepare this intricate dish with dollops of devotion and love.

Oh yes I have one more confession to make...Honestly, I am not a huge fan of Biryanis sold at those much sought after Biryani hot spots of Mumbai because the amount of attar (strong edible perfume of Arabian origin) and oil they use doesn’t intimidate me at all. So after testing and trying many times myself, I have come up with my own version of Chicken dum biryani packed exclusively with homely flavours and aromas.

Here’s sharing my recipe with you all...

Ingredient Checklist
  1. Chicken with bones: 1 kilo
  2. Chicken Marinade: Salt, curd (1 small cup), lemon juice (1 tsp), red chilli powder (1 tsp), Everest garam masala (2 tsps) and roasted jeera powder (1 tsp), Ginger and garlic – chopped and pasted half cup
  3. Biryani basmati rice, extra long grains-  2 small cups
  4. Mustard oil and ghee as per requirement
  5. Onions-  500 grams coarse paste and 3-4 onions finely chopped
  6. Spices: Haldi, bay leaves (4), star anise (8), cloves (8), black pepper balls (6) cardamom (6) and cinnamon sticks (2 short).
  7. Herbs – coriander and mint leaves (1 cup chopped)
  8. Flavouring agents: Salt, red chilli powder , Everest garam masala, roasted coriander powder
  9. Potatoes- 3-4 whole boiled and peeled
  10. For garnish- One pinch saffron, 2-3 tsps milk, cashews and raisins, mint leaves, boiled eggs (optional)

Oh baby, so you are ready with the ingredients? Now follow the steps exactly as explained below to get the taste right.

Step 1: Prepare the marinade

Wash the chicken. Add salt, 2 tsps mustard oil, lemon juice, red chilli powder, Everest Garam Masala and roasted jeera (cumin) powder, curd and onion- ginger- garlic paste. Refer to point 2 of the ingredient checklist. Adjust the quantity of ingredients as per your need. You can either leave the marinated chicken overnight or at least 3-4 hours inside refrigerator before cooking the chicken.

Step 2: Cook the rice

To get mix of 2 or 3 types of coloured rice, you have to cook the rice in separate containers. I usually prepare dual coloured biryani – white and yellow. Fill 2 skillets individually with water and allow it to boil in the oven. In the meantime wash the rice gently. Add 2 cups of rice separately in 2 containers. For the colour – you can either add a pinch of artificial colouring agent or prefer to go organic with half teaspoon of haldi. I use Haldi! Now add equal amounts of spices (refer to point 6 in ingredient list) to the boiling rice along with generous amounts of ghee and salt as per your palate. Stir the rice gently to ensure that the grains don’t break. One the rice is cooked spread it over a plate and allow it to cool. 

Step 3: Prepare the Dum

I’m a Bengali so I don’t need to explain to my folks “our” weakness for potatoes. Cut the boiled potatoes from the centre and fry them with haldi, salt and red chilli power until they turn golden brown. Keep them aside. Now take a “kadhai” and pour mustard oil generously to cook the chicken. Add whole spices (2 clove, 2bay leaves, 1 small cinnamon, 1 cardamom, 2-3 black pepper balls). Let them pop and then add the chicken. Stir and cook. Repeat the flavouring agents (ingredient no 8) if required.  Then add chopped mint and coriander leaves (ingredient checklist 7). You can add half cup water to make the chicken juicy and tender. Cover the kadhai and slow cook the chicken. 

While the chicken is cooking, all you have to do is deep fry the chopped onions in oil. Keep a handful aside for garnish and paste the remaining in mixer. Mix the paste with the chicken to render a rich colour to the “dum”. You can add the fried potatoes to the Chicken dum or add them separately while layering the biryani.

Step 4: Prepare the garnish

Slightly fry the cashews and raisins. Mix the saffron with the milk. Cut the boiled eggs in 2 halves (optional). Keep the deep fried onions ready.

Step 5: Layering the Biryani

Don’t worry folks; layering is not a rocket science. Mix the double coloured rice. You can add extra ghee to the rice but later do not crib about gaining weight :P. Take a big container and grease the bottom with nothing other than ghee. Then add a layer of rice. Sprinkle all the ingredients of garnish as described in step 4 followed by a layer of Chicken dum and again rice. Repeat the layering process. One the top you can put some mint leaves for aesthetics. Cover the container with aluminium foil.

Yayy! We are done. The yummy and juicy chicken dum biryani is now ready to be served on your dining table. Oh yes and don’t forget the side dish, Raita. Bon appétit! Oo la lal!

Try it and tell me. Much love. :)